Thursday, August 28, 2003

The Discombobulation Strikes Back...

Never in all my life have i found technology so confusing. i've just been round and round and round and round in circles trying to find my way back to here. I went to go look for it when i'd published by first writing but couldn't find it. It's gonna take me a week or two to get used to this.

Anyway, here are some interesting words i've written down. Some rhyme some don't, if you read it a few times you'll see more rhyme than don't but in incredibly complex ways.

The God of Logic

It’s always the same when I get close to someone, they look at me that way and my heart just seems to melt,
I get obsessed, I give up thinking about anything else,
My whole being starts to centre around that person, when they’re not around I think about them,
When they are I don’t know what to think, I know that if I ring them I’ll come across as desperate,
I know that if I don’t they’ll think that I don’t care, when I text I feel like I’m a psycho,
That they don’t understand where I’m coming from, I think about it all too much, my animal instincts gone, as a man I’m supposed to lead with my dick, my body tries it’s hardest, my mind takes over, slows me down, makes me stop and think,
But it’s all about nothing, trying to break down my programming, stop me from failing or even from trying, the outcome is always the same.

I never bother but instead just seem bothered, I never worry but instead am just worried, I never love just feel like I’ve lost, I’ve never dreamt or wished just because of the cost of failure, repercussion, responsibility,
I never listen because I’ve heard it all before, I never talk because it’s saying it once more,
I never love just seem to obsess, I only hate because it’s easier in the end.

Before we’ve even met I’ve run the whole relationship round and round my head, it was good don’t get me wrong, but in my head it’s just too long, from when I last saw you, til I can touch you again.
Throughout the universe, in all animal lives, they don’t have to cope with neuroses, paranoia, the insides of their minds,
Animals could teach us more than we’ll ever know, we think we’re something special, or so we tell each other so.
When I look into your eyes, sentences won’t form, but my mouth continues motoring, throwing out bullshit I don’t mean, what I mean and what I say are totally unconnected.

What I mean cannot be described, what I say cannot be believed.

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